Monday, September 30, 2013

Top 5 Greatest Scientists of All Time


             Hello again my science brothers and sisters! Today I will be sharing with you what I think are the top 5 scientist who were the most influential throughout history. 

5. Marie Curie 

            Marie Curie is a French-Polish chemist and physicist. She became known for many things, one of them is being the first woman to win a Noble Prize and the only women to win a Nobel Prize in two different categories, she won them in physics and chemistry. She is also know for her work with radiation and it's uses for imaging, she can be credited to being the mother of the X-ray. She also discovered two elements, polonium and radium, she suffered a lot of radiation poisoning due to all of her work with radiation and eventually developed aplastic anemia, which causes a deficiency in blood cells. She was so radioactive that even today her papers and things like her work books are considered dangerous to handle and are kept in lead-lined boxes. 

4. Louis Pasteur

        was a French chemist, biologist, and microbiologist known for is discoveries of the principles of vaccination, fermentation, and pasteurization. He is often known for his work with the germ theory, and bacteria, Pasteur undertook the task of finding out where bacteria came from through experiments and was able to prove that the bacteria was coming from the environment around us. Pasteur was able to extend his theories of germs and bacteria to explain how tiny organisms could kill large organisms like humans, and he linked many common diseases at the time like anthrax, cholera, and smallpox to his theory of germs, and was able to produce vaccines to help prevent further spread.

3. Charles Darwin

         Charles Darwin was the creator of the theory of evolution, and changed how we view biology and science as a total. His ideas of the origin of species based on mutation and the survival of the fittest was at first very controversial because it linked humans to being animals and that they may have evolved to where they were. This was contradictory to the idea that humans and all animals on Earth but his theory of evolution over the years has gained respect and is now viewed as the true history. 

2. Alan Turing 

             Alan Turing was an English mathematician, logician, and computer scientist, he is often regarded as the father of computer science. He was a huge part in the development of computer science, helping with the concepts of algorithms and computation in programming. He started out deciphering encrypted German messages during World War II, getting very important information for the allies. 

1. Albert Einstein

        You might have guessed it but I just couldn't not give the first place to Albert Einstein. He was a German-born physicist, who helped pave the way to modern theoretical physics along with quantum mechanics. He also produced one of the most iconic physics equations ever, E = mc². He is viewed as one of the most influential scientist of all time by almost everyone and is the face and name of genius.

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