Monday, March 31, 2014


                 We've all heard it and many people, including myself, have believed it. However a recent study shows that fast food really isn't the main cause of childhood obesity. In fact the research actually shows that the obesity comes from a poor all-day diet that originates at home. I take this as an important reminder that we need to make sure we don't get comfortable blaming a single thing for a big problem.
                 The bottom line is we used to think fast food was one of the biggest factors for obesity, well in reality that isn't the truth. We need to take a look at what we are eating throughout the day and how much exercise we are getting. Obesity is a problem, and it can be fixed while still enjoying an occasional fast food. Now this isn't an invitation to go out and eat as much fast food as you want because it "isn't a cause of obesity". If you do that you will not enjoy the repercussions of it.
                As Americans we have become an obese society, and fast food certainly contributed, but the real problem is that we need to learn to eat in moderation. I remember seeing a research study one time that was televised. They had an American man and a European man, each had a bowl of soup given to them, but the bowl was constantly being refilled under the table. The result was that the European man got up and left when he was full, but the American man, seeing his bowl had more in it, kept on stuffing himself, the producers of the show had to go out and tell him what was happening.
              Now I'm sure many of us wouldn't go that far with our diet, but sometimes I can catch myself eating a whole can of Pringles in one sitting, simply because I am not paying attention. This is a terrible thing to do, moderation is the key to less obesity. We can have the things we want to eat, as long as we don't eat a whole cake or a whole pie or 12 hot dogs. That is when it becomes an issue.
             Another thing, as I mentioned before, is we need to be checking up on things that were thought to be "fact" because the world in constantly changing and we continue to discover new things, things that were true yesterday are not today and it's something we should think about.
             Just remember you can have what you want, just not to much. I encourage you to record what you eat for maybe a week and see where you might be lacking in your diet, and where you can improve. Don't take anything for granted, and don't be afraid to go against what is popular, you might discover something new.

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