Monday, October 14, 2013

Malaria vaccine sheduled for 2015

       Malaria infects over two hundred million people a year and kills around 700,000 of  those who are infected. There is a new vaccine out that was very effective in its test locations. The vaccine showed a 56% decrease in the amount of infections in the older group of children and a decrease of 31% in the younger group of children who were tested. Like any vaccine there is a period after about a year and a half where the vaccine loses its effectiveness, but the study is ongoing and the children had recently received a booster shot for the vaccine similar  to how you get a booster shot for tetanus.  The study however showed promising enough results to have the company that developed it ask for permission to distribute this vaccine throughout Africa. The company that is developing the vaccine is the UK company GlaxoSmithKline is working towards getting the vaccine out to the public by 2015. "Many millions of malaria cases fill the wards of our hospitals," said Halidou Tinto, a lead investigator on the RTS,S trial from Burkina Faso. This vaccine would help save peoples live not only in Africa but people all around the world will be benefitting from this vaccine being released from the public.
     I personally believe that this vaccine will change history forever by saving lives and setting the foreground for vaccines in the future. This will be very good for helping the livelihood of the Africa and helping it recover from being a third world country. Malaria is one of the leading causes of death in Africa so creating an effective vaccine will be very great for Africa. I personally believe this is a huge breakthrough because there are many diseases that are without vaccines like malaria and I believe that this vaccine is a steeping stone in the road to getting out multiple different types of vaccines for deadly diseases. This vaccine will only get better over time and who knows maybe later in the future Malaria may not even be a thing anyone has to worry about, that would be a good thing to have happen.   


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