Monday, October 14, 2013

Sleeping In on the Weekends Doesn't Help Recover Lost Sleep

           Nowadays it is very common for adults and teenagers to not get much sleep during the weekdays only to sleep in on the weekends to "make up for it."  Not getting enough sleep can influence the body in several ways including: decreased alertness, productivity, failure to learn and remember things correctly. researchers led by Alexandros N. Vgontzas of the Penn State University College of Medicine, placed 30 volunteers on a sleep schedule that resembled a schedule that consisted of a work-week with little sleep then a weekend meant for sleep recovery. The volunteers measured on a performance test that tested their ability to pay attention decreased significantly after they had not received the sufficient amount of sleep, they also found that even after the weekend of sleep-loss recovery the tests scores showed no significant improvement on the test. The study however states that the only thing that didn't recover normally was attention span, determined by tests All other things measured returned to the norm by sleeping in on the weekends.
        While you don't fully recover by sleeping in on the weekends I still personally believe that the feeling of not having to set an alarm for the morning is just too good to pass up. Sleep is an interesting thing, it seems to go against all logic and reasoning. If you were to sleep for a short period of time like 2 hours you would feel worse in the morning than if you didn't sleep at all. Personally for me I enjoy sleep if I am able to get a nice full night of sleep, and it's the waking up in the morning that is the part that ruins the whole experience of sleep for me. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and the era of electronics is changing the future of sleep forever, with new high-tech alarms that make you get up and moving to turn them off and the other side with handheld phones that are often used right before bedtime causing people to stay up way later than they intended. This study shows that you can still do the classic sleep in on the weekend strategy and not suffer too much but there are still some consequences that you still have to worry about. 

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