Monday, October 28, 2013


Since my blog is about science maybe I should explain a little bit about the people who work in the subject. All of this information will be from my perspective and portray how I see our scientists today.
                First off I would like to say there are tons of areas in science. I'm not going to be able to name all the different types of scientists because just doing that would fill half of this page. Instead I'm going to focus on the ones that stand out to me and what it seems like they do for us in our everyday lives, if they do anything at all.
            The scientist I will focus on first is the chemist. Though their name doesn't seem like that of a scientist they are definitely are. As far as I know they are the people who work with different kinds of chemicals and substances to make new ones or test old ones. They come up with the new drugs that might be used to cure a certain type of disease or illness. They can also test the old ones against the new ones to compare the effectiveness or maybe combine aspects of both to make the best possible drug for us, which will make us feel better faster.
Another Scientists that I find interesting is a herpetologist who are scientists who focus around reptiles and very often snakes. One of my old role models Jeff Corwin is a herpetologist who often  is wrangling snakes and showing off cool reptiles. Herpetologists have some of the most awesome animals to study and they are often very fascinating people themselves. Their research isn’t often very groundbreaking however it can often yield surprising and mystifying results
           Second I would like to talk about the biologist. These are the people who work with many of our life functions. They do research on our bodies and how they work. This is what fascinates me about them. They do all kinds of research about our bones and muscles and how they react to all our different kinds of activities. As an athlete this naturally interests me. They also do work with our genes and chromosomes and things of that nature. This is another thing that I find to be awesome. The way we can take a tiny part of ourselves, like our saliva, and figure out who are parents are or if we have a possibility for high blood pressure is very cool.
         Now I only mentioned three scientists here. Later I might do a couple more. The important thing to note is that there is a huge variety of things you can do in science. Even in the categories I mentioned there are several subcategories that you can be a part of. The possibilities are almost endless and if you don't know what you want to do when you get older science is a great place to look at because of the diversity it offers.

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