Tuesday, May 13, 2014


  Almost all animals at some point or another learn how to adapt. I've decided to take a look at why this is and how we are able to do it. Some animals are better than others at this, but we all do it. It may be to the temperature, protection, food, the bottom line is that it is for survival. 
                       Survival is an amazing thing. It can be something that saves our lives. Simply the will to live can compel somebody to do something that they may not be able to do otherwise. It is for the same reason that humans, and all animals alike, adapt to our surroundings. We don't just stop there either, we eventually improve our chances for survival, we do it with technology, but other animals do it too. It's fascinating that the will to live could be this motivational.
                        There are 8.74 million species of plants, animals, and insects on this planet. Each one has found a way to survive that works for them. Some mimic others, but in general there is a unique style to each one. The incredible part is that these animals do it with just their physical attributes, they don't have all the technology we have. Whether it is to simply defend themselves, or to hide, or to hunt. They are born with what they have, and they learn to live and survive with it. If they can't find food, or use what they have, they adapt and use it in a different way, or move to a different place. This is all based on instinct and it really is awesome if you think about it.
                        I want to talk about one of the characters from a book I am reading. His name is Bobby. He was faced with a fight between him and an opponent which he had no chance of beating, but he had no other choice but to accept the fight. He was getting pummeled, and then he realized his opponent was trying to kill him. His instinct to survive kicked in, and he started to defend himself, to fight back. He was still defeated in the end, he ended up spending a month in the hospital, however the bottom line is that he went into survival mode, and he survived. When on the brink of death he had to adapt to fight, and ultimately it saved his life. Of course this is a fictional scenario, but it still highlights the point I am trying to make. 
                     The bottom line is that when push comes to shove, all animals choose to survive. It is our very fundamental instinct. Adapting is just part of this instinct, so while it is an art, and it is fascinating, it really isn't hard for animals. It is simply what they are doing to survive and this is their only concern, because it is always survival of the fittest, and that is what every animal is trying to be.

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