Monday, May 19, 2014

The Science of Fail

When looking at the title of this post you may be wondering what this piece of writing will be about. Everyone fails, so making of a post of how to fail may irrelevant. However this is less about the act of failing, than it is about the mentality we should have about failing. There are some ways I think you can approach failure to make it easier, and ultimately better. So I will mostly be focusing on the benefits of failing, and how it can shape us as people.
                    First we have to realize what I just said. Everyone fails, no one is exempt from this rule, so to fear failure is honestly a waste. Yet we still do it. I think everyone, at some point, is afraid they will fail. It's human nature, we don't want to look bad or feel embarrassed, and it can be hard to force yourself to do something that may lead to this. Sometimes we are forced into these situations, and sometimes we opt out of them, but what I am suggesting is to go for them. When we fail, and feel all of those emotions that come with it, we grow. We learn to cope with it, and then when it's over, we learn that failing really isn't that bad.
                  If we try to avoid doing things that we may fail at there is, without a doubt, things that we will miss out on, things that could even change our lives. If Thomas Edison had feared failure, we may not have light, if African Americans feared failure they may still be in slavery. There is no limit to what we can accomplish if we don't let the fear of failure dictate how we approach a situation. I'm not saying to get rid of this fear, because you really can't, I'm telling you that when you are afraid you need to overcome that.
                 Another benefit to failing, is succeeding. There is, in my opinion, no better feeling than failing at something several times, and the ultimately making it work. Conquering a major challenge is one of the best ways to boost your confidence, and give yourself an advantage in life overall. People who don't let failing get in their way have an advantage over those who do let that happen. Failing is part of us, and if we don't learn that now we will spend the rest of our lives trying to do something that is impossible, trying to be perfect. I encourage you to have a understanding of this concept, because it will not go away, and if you can understand this, you will learn to do things that you would not have otherwise done, and you will ultimately be happier.
                The bottom line is that failure is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced. Look at fear as your friend, one that motivates you, and keeps you doing the things that are new, and exciting, and that may even change the world.

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